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Most Improved Creator

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:24 am
by dokool
Me! Just kidding. I'm not promoting any of my own vids for VCA consideration this year for a reason. But I digress.

Over the past year, I've been fortunate enough to have two close friends who believe that I know more about this hobby than they do and am thus in a position to offer advice, no matter how much I tell them otherwise. As a result, I've become quite familiar with both their portfolios, and can say without a doubt that each is very deserving of Most Improved status.

For your consideration...

1. <a href=" ... iarrens</a> (Tech Girl Productions) - While her 2003 videos do leave much to be desired, kiarrens hit her stride this year with the release of her now-current favorite series, Fullmetal Alchemist. Indeed, 3 of her full videos released this year were of FMA, including the seminal <a href=" ... lchemist's Trade</a> as well as the <a href=" ... 6560">Sins of Alchemy</a> 'Se7en' trailer. Lyndsey was also a contributor to the <a href=" ... 50">Animix Project Part 5</a>, producing an excellent segment for <a href=" ... 6350">Part 161</a>. She continues to improve with each video, and while eventually I hope she'll branch out from FMA again (which won't be until at least her next video finishes), I find few other reasons to doubt that she's improved leaps and bounds in the past year.

2. <a href=" ... gbird21</a> (Quicksilver Studios) - I've been Wendy's beta for a good while now, and finally had the chance to meet her at Anime Boston 2004. This year she's produced some of the better Naruto vids to have come out, including <a href=" ... 4">Chuunin Kombat</a> (Best Action winner at ACen, and deservedly so), <a href=" ... 458">Tears of Snow</a>, and <a href=" ... gnition</a>, but her latest three videos (all non-Naruto) have been just as good, with <a href=" ... >Warrior's Dance</a> placing 3rd in Upbeat at AUSA. Her name was mentioned once or twice during last year's VCA for Rookie of the Year, and I feel that while her videos in the second half of 2003 were good, her output in 2004 far outshines them. Her editing has grown to be consistantly strong and will most likely continue this path in 2005.


Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:48 pm
by Songbird21
Thanks Dan!!!!!!!! I'm so honored!!!!!!!!! *Bounces in geeker joy*

[paizuri: This used to be called Dokool's Most Improved Editor Suggestions, but I'm opening this topic up for anyone else's nominations as well.]

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:15 pm
by Tsunami Jones
Not like I stand much of a chance, but I'm going to put myself out there anyway, since I'd like to think that I've improved a whole lot.

Last videos of 2003: ... hp?v=28744 ... hp?v=28843

And the last video I made of 2004: ... hp?v=55218 ... hp?v=55772

To me at least, the difference is pretty easy to see.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:02 pm
by Maverick-Rubik
2003: ... hp?v=20857

A little more than a year after in 2004: ... hp?v=48660 ... hp?v=51525

And some of my friends on the org have even admitted there's an improvement. Check 'em out. 8-)

PS: I'm not to be held responsible for the crappiness of video 2003.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:03 pm
by SSJVegita0609
I'd like to nominate Crzy_Tetsuo for most improved.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:04 pm
by Voices_Of_Ryan
Wel... as long as we're talking improvment.

I'd say i've improved alot.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:35 pm
by themaan
Well, as far as an overall improvement, I strongly feel I've improved a lot, incase anyone would like to verify this:

Very early videos from 2003: ... hp?v=22044 ... hp?v=22061

New 2004 videos: ... hp?v=55966 ... hp?v=48043

I've also been moving into different types of editing and learning a lot about different programs. I've created some worthy banners and stuff too. I honestly think that I am a good candidate for this award and I don't wanna seem like a jackass 'cuz I'm totally promoting myslef. So ya, please consider me, thanks.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:00 pm
by Kalium
Look at my first video. Painful, isn't it? Yeah.

Then look at my last video. Much better.

OK, enough about me.

Re: Most Improved Editor Suggestions [used to be just Dokool

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:16 pm
by pen-pen2002
dokool wrote: 2. <a href=" ... gbird21</a> (Quicksilver Studios)
I first saw her work when I wrote a long op for "Chunnin Kombat" and since then I've been in two projects with her. In my oppinion she is a master of the straight cut timing action video. Very intricate, and always dead on.

I think it is important to consider consistancy in a category like this. For instance I have a huge disparity between my first video (poor) and my second video (won at AWA). However, I have yet to see if I can maintain that eding standard, or if it was just a lucky combination.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:21 pm
by DrngdKreationz
well for all it matters, dig through my profile and see the difference