Round 1 - Results [Updated with Group F & H Results]

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Re: Round 1 - Results

Post by xDreww » Thu May 10, 2012 4:10 pm

WOW. Who the hell is writing the criticism here? Someone needs to learn how to be a little nice, less bullying and bashing, and more understandable?

"The worst of the bunch without questioning. Random scene selection, no sync to speak of, wrong AR, and bad encoding too. I can't find any redeeming quality in this even if I try."
Effort 3/10 : Clearly not enough, you need to watch more amv's to understand how to improve in editing.
Overall 3.4/10: The result from all my ratings is 3.4/10 and i'll keep it like this, you need to improve to reach higher scores everything comes with practise, keep it up !"

I think you went overboard, it was not necessary. Please think about your words carefully, as well as the editors feelings as you speak. I'm defending masterzero because, me..I don't like to say a video is horrible. Or the worst. Clearly not enough of this and that. I mean Come on! The way I would explain my advice, will be a little less hurtful, and more helpful with little advice. Along with some tips for future projects. Also saying not just one nice thing about an edit? This is one of the things that ticks me off about this website, and people that are shit, when it comes to critique. Bashing isn't right for someone who really enjoys editing and is doing this for fun. All this seriousness, just ruins the fun out of of something enjoyable.

Master zero, don't take it so hard, Some people might be taking this contest a little to seriously. You did just fine. Keep experimenting, practicing, and imagining. If you ever need help with quality, tips or anything, don't be scared to ask.

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Re: Round 1 - Results

Post by xDreww » Thu May 10, 2012 4:12 pm

TwilightChrono wrote:
See, what you have to understand about criticism her eon the org. People don't beat around the bush. you say you want criticism, then they will give you pure unadulterated crit. They aren't gonna pull any punches. Thats why some new editors to the org don't like the org cause they don't like what people have to say. They would rather have the AWESOME AMV MAN that they get all the time on youtube. If you want that, good.

Just saying good crit is the kind that's hard to take. Thats the crit you want. Cause that's the crit that help you get better.

Glad to compete with ya :)
How about stop and think on the words you use when you give criticism? You have a point, but theres a borderline.

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Re: Round 1 - Results

Post by siny » Thu May 10, 2012 4:17 pm

MasterZero8 wrote:First, sorry that my video was so terrible, it was my first real AMV though, plus I'm working with the worst of the worst video editors here. :(

Now I can take criticism, but I will be honest, this felt more like bullying to me. Especially whoever said that last part, was it really necessary?
I do like to have some good criticism along with the bad, it helps, but I guess thats too much.
Oh well though, I've dealt with enough of this in my lifetime that I know how to handle it by now.

Why was the visual quality so bad? Just because I didn't use 1080p blu-ray footage?

How can I have poor audio editing? I didn't edit any of the audio. :?

Yes sorry on the "lip flap" and the like. It was synced better, but apparently I had to only have 29.97 fps. I guess I was editing in a little bit higher fps, so after I published it and changed the fps it screwed that up.

And I'm sorry but saying I didn't put in enough effort really hurts. :cry: Cause I put in a lot. I spent almost everyday working on it, with a total of at least 30 some hours.
And saying I need to watch more AMVs really hurts too. Cause I have seen 1000's of AMVs and I can tell a good one from a bad one.
Now I'm not saying mine is that great at all, but for my first one, the very limited resources I had, and other factors, I felt it was at least ok.

I appreciate the feedback and yes I will learn from this video, since I learn from my mistakes unlike a lot of other people I know. I would have liked just a little more helpful feedback was all.

Congrats to all the other editors though. And it was a pleasure competing with you, even though it was short, it was fun. :P
Oh don't feel bad! Come on, it was your first AMV! And you had the guts to enter such a difficult contest!
But yes you do need to watch AMVS, even if you were extremely good, watching AMVS is always important. It's like... hmm visual culture. I'm a designer and that's the first thing they teach you in college: LOOK AROUND WITH YOUR EYES WIDE OPEN! Everything matters, from an outdoor to a simple flyer. And by watching more AMVS you're doing a bunch of things: 1) you can get inspired by other editors 2) you may want to know that particular anime just because you loved that AMV so much 3) you will question yourself "omg how did he/she did that?!" and you will try to do the same. So you see, it's a win for you to watch more AMVs!

Comments can be harsh, yes, but at least people are telling you how and what you can improve. It's way better than leaving you with "oh I didn't like it much" or when "so called friends" tell you "OMG THIS IS AMAZING!" when you actually know it's not. Those kind of comments, bad or good, don't really teach you anything.

You have every tool you need on this website to help you grow as an editor. Not only do you have awesome tutorials, you also have people that will gladly help you and give you feedback on your future comments. I really hope you will stick around, because you will learn a lot around here! Would be awesome if you could keep watching this contest until the end and check the judges feedback for each video. It's also another way of learning! Hey sometimes I even bring my mum to my pc and show her my last video to see her opinion. She hates anime, so she's totally impartial about it. And omg sometimes it's a pain and others it's funny too because she gives the characters I know and adore, weird names. Anyway... if she tells me something is a bit too fast or she totally didn't get it. After the whole video is done, is kinda frustrating, right? And you would expect that your own mother would totally love it (ahah). Things like this make me thing and look at the video again and again. But even random strangers sometimes send me pm's or write comments about my videos. Well, it's amazing how those opinions, good, bad or even harsh, stick with you while you're editing. So don't feel bad about the comments you will get with your first video, I repeat... your first video, just keep them all inside your mind and next time I'm sure it will be better. And even if the next time, you keep getting harsh comments, try again and try and try. But have fun with it! Don't let yourself be down, you had fun with this, right? So that's what it matters! :)

Whoa I wrote a lot, sorry lol

Congrats to the winners and everyone else! <3

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Re: Round 1 - Results

Post by MimS » Thu May 10, 2012 4:18 pm

Nah you're the one taking it seriously Dreww

Did judges even know their ops would be made public? ^^"
If not, maybe they would have said it in another way...
And if they did, anyway, it's just their ops, it's up to you to decide if it has meaning or not. Don't be hurt, god, this is only a hobby, who cares if your vids are great and shitty in the end? Seriously, Nostromo was a great editor but who gives a fuck about what he becomes? We won't appreciate you more if you make great vids... we just don't care, vids are vids and they all have their own value, at least, people give them some and they have their way to say stuff.

Also, have u ever judged a contest with as much people Dreww? Believe me, you don't have the time to be sentimental :x

So yeah, MZ8, they were harsh, you can even say they're basterds, assholes, but seriously, don't put too much importance in it, you had fun editing, that's all matters. Now just select what you consider interesting for you in the future in every critic you'll read!

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Re: Round 1 - Results

Post by Radical_Yue » Thu May 10, 2012 4:43 pm

No, no, no....You're ALL WRONG!

The real problem here is....

Where was the Diebuster video!?


Starry Eyed? Eh? EH? :awesome:

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Re: Round 1 - Results

Post by Copycat_Revolver » Thu May 10, 2012 4:51 pm

Radical_Yue wrote:No, no, no....You're ALL WRONG!

The real problem here is....

Where was the Diebuster video!?
You know, I have Diebuster in my pile of encoded footage. It could have been...

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Re: Round 1 - Results

Post by dazza1008 » Thu May 10, 2012 4:53 pm

A good idea to stick to one character, but this was really not resolved in any way. It seemed like this either ran out of scenes, or simply cut off. The pacing was also rather off - seemed like the video was much slower than the song.

Ummm... okay, shots of Misa? I guess you should use more than some five or six scenes in an AMV, you know. Props for having some kind of a story~

The editor probably tried to say/do something with the scene selection here. I honestly wouldn't be able to tell what, though. I didn't really see much connection. I mean, some scenes on their own had lyrical sync, sure. But it overall didn't come off together very well. The beat sync was very minimal as well, and with this level of beat sync I'd expect some more overarching story/plot/meaning/something, but I couldn't really find anything like that to compensate, thus it felt, well, "meh."

Concept 5/10 : I like the idea and the lyrich synch was ok
Technical 3/10: Visual quality was bad,and has many issues
Sound 4/10 : Nop.. bad audio cut and bad ending but still better than some others so i'll give it a 4
Sync 4/10 : Could be much better synchwise and the pace is not changing enough arcoding to the music
Effort 4/10 : This lacks a lot of effort to be interesting to watch...
Overall 3.9/10: The result from all my ratings is 4/10 and i'll give it a malus of 0.1 because it has the same mark as an another amv which i find better than this one in terme of editing. But you need to practise a bit more, keep it up
TBH this seems like one judge wrote this... I thought Radical was getting comments from all judges? Anyway, I'm used to doing storyline AMVs as opposed to ones that rely on effects... so 'starry eyed' was from Misa falling in love, to Light's ambition and how it ruins Misa's life, to Misa committing suicide at the end by jumping off a bridge. It seemed clear to me, but I'll take on board if it wasn't clear to others and think about how I could have conveyed that better. I disagree about the sync being too slow - I thought it was a slow song and I guess I was going for more mood sync. I'm not going to increase the number of scenes just for the heck of it, but I'd be doing the effects when she's reflecting while walking near the end. That looked rather amateurish and would be better for more effects. I honestly didn't see this as a dance song/faster song! Cheers for the feedback. :beer:

Masterzero8, firstly, I do find it easier to expect people to be really harsh here and not emotionally supportive. The fact that you're getting a lot of people coming to your defense is surprising to me, and I really think it's something you should be grateful for, especially from this place. Personally I tolerate it because it's interesting for me to learn and consider others' viewpoints, even though at the end, it's simply another opinion. (try to please everyone, and you please no one, not even yourself!) So I consider feedback, but it's got to make sense to me or feel right to me before I take it on board. And I do believe that's how artists should be, since art comes from within... can't all be about pleasing people, and people do have different preferences... anyway, eventually the sting of criticism fades and you can see it comfortably as yet another opinion - that's if you stick around long enough, which I hope you do. :wink:

To whoever's writing the feedback, I don't think labelling something as "worst of the bunch" helps at all because it's too general esp. because this is a first AMV, and your review wouldn't have suffered if that line was removed.

Congrats to those who passed, and thanks to the judges for their time! :jester:

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Re: Round 1 - Results

Post by GuntherAMVs » Thu May 10, 2012 4:54 pm

*sprinkles confetti around Org interface*

Congratulations to all the Group A participants <3
Each of you made something from the heart, which is what counts :3
You all rolled with the punches~! (like this -----> :rofl: )
And you rose to the call of duty~! (which sounded like this, probably ----> :bzz: )

So now, all of you can do this~ -----> :bear:

. . . . =w=

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Re: Round 1 - Results

Post by Radical_Yue » Thu May 10, 2012 5:01 pm

dazza1008 wrote: TBH this seems like one judge wrote this... I thought Radical was getting comments from all judges?
Every space

is a string of comments from another judge. One of the judges did not choose to leave comments.

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Re: Round 1 - Results

Post by Radical_Yue » Thu May 10, 2012 5:10 pm

Since it seems that people are having problems taking the criticism our judges offered, I'll just take it down.
Future judges thoughts will not be posted for this very same reason. Neither the judges or myself have meant to "flame" in any, way, shape or form. They simply stated their opinion with absolutely no personal bias.

When I selected the judges, I chose judges who would be honest, not rate of a scale from awesome - less awesome.


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