JOURNAL: fallout161 (Matt Page)

  • Revamping and failing 2002-10-12 02:48:38 Ahhh... so having reformatted my computer, I thought I'd backed up everything I needed in order to continue tweaking my Angelic Layer video. There were major parts of the video that I couldn't stand. But anyway, I attempted editing my video more tonight... only 2 parts were worth attempting to change.. they turned out well, but when I exported the file, there was a horrible degradation of the audio. I have no idea why. I think I'm gonna let this project go, even though I'm not totally happy with it. There's just too many things standing in my way and it's just too late to make the video better. Next time I make a video, I'll make sure everything is perfect before I (a) release it to the public or (b) ...decide to format my harddrive. 
  • My favorite animes... 2002-10-07 01:41:55 Will probably caused me to be mocked and such... I mean, just look at how many of those are mainstream. Let me explain. I tried to list only animes which I've seen in their entirety. The only exceptions on that list are Tiny Snow Fair Sugar (which was remarkable for the first 2 eps which I saw) and Angelic Layer (which I'm almost done watching). A lot of good animes which have been recommended to me, and that aren't painfully mainstream (such as Soultaker, Hellsing, Boogiepop Phantom, Lain, etc.) I simply don't have access to or just haven't gotten around to watching yet. And like it or not, Akira is one of my faves... no matter what you think of it, it still has some of the best animation I've seen, even after 13 years of existence. I mean... come on. 
Current server time: Jun 09, 2024 13:26:08