JOURNAL: Darci-San (Darci Viens)

  • Woot! 2005-03-05 14:16:52 I got my first AMV hate mail today (sorta)

    just a kind member telling me VERY politely that my video is only allowed on because of the LENIENCY in the rules....

    *thumbs up to him*

    Just call me Backdoor Darci from now on....

    Oh... btw... My video doesn't really belong... even though the rules say that it's acceptable... Just so you know... cause.. you know.. didn't spend HOURS fishing through sorce footage and what not...

    honestly.. if everyone did the same thing... Wouldn't that be boreing?

    I was also discoraged from ever makeing another video like that...
    oh well.. I've had 10times more people ask me to make more so... Sorry... majority rules XD 
Current server time: May 31, 2024 23:42:50