JOURNAL: Pwolf (Scott Grasso)

  • @TC 2013-05-11 01:02:42 It was an example. As I mentioned, I don't remember the videos so I threw out a possible reason between a video with effects and one without.

    The video didn't break any "rules" if all it did was have watermarks and subtitles (which I really don't remember seeing but whatever). Criteria for judging isn't a rule to be broken. It's something the judges use to help score each video. Just because a video has a watermark or subtitles doesn't mean it should automatically lose. You score it and then move on. Which ever one has the higher score wins.

    As far as I can remember, Yue never mentioned anything to me after that round or any round for that matter. I was never informed of any changes to the judging criteria or advised differently about how I should be judging certain videos. If she had I probably would've quit.

    As mentioned, I judged each video based on the criteria to remain as fair as possible. If you have an issue with the criteria then you should take it up with the person who wrote it. Don't get pissy at the judges for doing their job. 
  • @TC 2013-05-10 22:21:21 I would normally not do this because I don't feel like I need to justify my decisions when it comes to judging... However, perhaps instead of being a poor-sport and acting like you were wronged, you could maybe take the time to try and understand why you lost that round and why you didn't get in this year. Perhaps the problem is you and not anyone else.

    First off, I don't remember the videos completely nor do I remember the judging criteria for last year's contest but this isn't in direct relation to that round, only an attempt to educate you on how judging works, at least from my point of view.

    I can't speak for the other judges but I tried my very best to remain impartial and judge each video as fairly as I could. I had a matrix of scores for each video based on the judging criteria. I tallied up the scores and the one with the higher number won my pick. So while perhaps you used clean sources and had no encoding issues, you might have lost points for bad execution of effects. In many cases bad execution of effects also hurts a technical, editing or concept score also.

    For example... The *overall* video quality of a video includes any effects work. If an effect is executed badly it may affect the pace and sync of the video. If an effect looks out of place then your concept can also suffer. So, doing less than perfect effects work can actually damage your video a lot more then doing no effects. So when a no-effects, less than stellar videos goes up against an effectsy video that isn't all that stellar either, the no-effects video probably has a better chance of winning. It's not fair to give the effects video some leeway because it had effects. You judge each video the same. If the editor decides to use effects, it's their risk. If they pull it off, good for them. If not, then you have to accept the consequences.

    All that said, I don't remember which video I picked and I don't really care. I'm confident that I did the best I could do to be impartial and fair to everyone who entered. If I had voted for the other video, I did so based on a fair judging system that all videos during that contest were subject to. If I did vote for you, perhaps you should rethink your remarks by calling me unfair. 
  • @aokakesu 2012-12-20 17:26:33 amen brother 
  • @aokakesu 2012-12-09 19:53:48 Yeap, same thing happened to me. I was able to get data off the disks but left me rather skeptical over optical media as storage. 
  • Dear People... 2012-11-05 18:51:31 Please read: 
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