Video Information


  • Member: 7sigma
  • Studio: The Baka Project
  • Title: Butterfly Dance
  • Premiered: 2005-12-20
  • Category:
  • Song:
    • Zé Ramalho A Dança das Borboletas
  • Anime:
  • Comments: This video was produced as part of one of my graduation exams. Two other students, Viviane and Sílvia, greatly helped me with fine-tuning the synch, although time restraints forced me to finish it before it was truly polished. Overall, I think that it turned out quite good, and along with Mushroom Samba it's my best video so far.

    This song speaks of how humanity faced a new and unexpected enemy, the butteflies. It's full of double meanings and metaphors, but in the end it's about how beautiful things are also the most dangerous of all. Since Spike Spiegel always get in trouble precisely because of beautiful things, and the movie had this wonderful footage of the light butterflies (actually illusions caused by a deadly virus), I thought it was a nice fit.

    The song:
    Zé Ramalho is a great brazilian artist, best known for experimental music deeply interlaced with local culture. In this song, he allies with Sepultura, brazilian's best-known heavy metal band, for a deep and somewhat scary interpretation of the deadly dance of the butterflies. For your convenience, here are the lyrics, along with a freely translated version. The song was greatly edited for this video, so if you'd like to know the original version, I'd suggest another source.


    As borboletas estão voando
    A dança louca das borboletas
    Quem vai girar não quer dançar
    só quer voar, a voar
    Quem vai girar não quer dançar
    só quer voar, a voar

    E as borboletas estão invadindo
    os apartamentos, cinemas e bares
    Esgotos e rios e lagos e mares
    Em um rodopio de arrepiar
    Derrubam janelas e portas de vidro
    Escadas rolantes e nas chaminés
    Se sentam e pousam em meio à fumaça
    Em um arco-íris se sabe o que é

    Se sabe o que é...Se sabe o que é...
    Se sabe o que é...Se sabe o que é...


    The butterflies are flying
    The crazy dance of the butterflies
    Who is going to spin, does not wish to dance
    Just wants to fly, to fly
    Who is going to spin, does not wish to dance
    Just wants to fly, to fly

    And the butterflies are invading
    the apartments, cines and bars
    Sewers and rivers, lakes and seas
    In a de chilling twirl
    Destroying windows and glass doors
    Escalators and in the chimneys
    They sit and lie amidst the smoke
    In a rainbow if knows what it is

    If knows what it is... If knows what it is...
    If knows what it is... If knows what it is...

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