Video Information


  • Member: Evan unagi
  • Title: Must Has Plushie
  • Premiered: 2011-04-22
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • IMMEDIATE MUSIC Blasphemy 2.0
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: Short but sweet. Lol.

    This video was a last minute idea that I stumbled upon while showing my girlfriend an episode of Moetan.

    Yes, the plushie does actually explode in the episode. Yes, it is very strange and random. And, that's why I had to make the video.

    You may notice that some clips repeat themselves. I didn't use them multiple times, that's actually how it is in the show.

    I'm very glad that this video got the reaction that it did. See? You don't have to understand the story of an Anime to get a good laugh. I'd like to thank everyone who thought it was funny, because that is what will push me to make a better video next year.

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