Video Information


  • Member: breeman
  • Studio: Breeman AMV
  • Title: Fashion Monsters
  • Premiered: 2013-03-31
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Fashion Monster
  • Anime:
  • Comments: After taking so long to get started on an AMV for Anime Boston this year I finally decided on this one after watching the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu music video for "Fashion Monster." I just thought "This would make a great AMV!" So I took a bunch of anime I've really enjoyed lately that had primarily female characters (who either actually ARE monsters or fight a lot of monsters) and just threw a bunch of random clips together to fit the song (which I have no idea what the lyrics mean, but that doesn't really matter with this type of AMV.)

    I was really cutting it close to the deadline for the Anime Boston AMV contest and actually managed to finish it with just a day to spare... until I realized I had another extra 12 days (since the deadline was extended, unbeknownst to me).

    While not as deep and meaningful as some of my other recent AMVs (the character profile/drama ones) this was a simple and fun AMV to make, that's just enjoyable to watch.

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