HelpMeOut? Editing Questions

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HelpMeOut? Editing Questions

Post by jennlicious » Fri Nov 20, 2015 6:07 pm

Hi :) I'm new to this website and this is my first forum post! I'm sorry if I have so many questions :) hopefully you guys can help me out?

So, I have been editing for over a year now. I edit celebrities like Bethany Mota (I have an instagram fanpage for her) and I create video edits.

I've always been a huge huge fan of AMVs, and I just wanted to know if anyone could help me with my editing questions?

BTW, I have Sony Vegas Pro and Adobe After Effects, but I mainly use Vegas because I can't seem to find my way around Adobe :(

I'm generally gonna ask some AAE questions, because I know my way around Vegas a lot better.

Here are just a few I can think from the top of my head:

1. How do people make their videos look so colorful and bouncy?
Whenever I try to edit, my edits never turn out as colorful as I want them to, and it's weird because I feel like AAE edits all turn out to be so colorful and bouncy. Any help?

2. Any basic effects?
Whenever I watch AMVs and MEPs, I notice that there seems to be a certain pattern everyone uses. I've noticed that a lot of people use about the same effects, or something similar to each other. I know of Jetstream, but that's basically it. Is there any plugins/effect names that people generally use a lot?

3. Plugins?
After getting AAE, I've downloaded this transition pack. I can open it and it opens as an Adobe file, but I don't know how to apply it to my other adobe documents. Is there a way to download it into your effects/presets like SVP? Or do you have to render it and then Chroma Key it? I also don't know how to make those compositions longer, as my transitions sometimes aren't completely fitted.

4. Video tutorials?
I always feel like I'll be bugging people if I ask them to help me. Is there any place where I could find some video tutorials that could teach me some useful effects?

5. Any other things I should know about AAE?
I don't want to make this forum post too long, but is there any other important thing I should know about?

Thank you so much! You don't have to answer all of my questions, if you can help me with just one that would honestly mean the world to me. I'm trying to better my editing skills and it would mean the world to me if you guys (aka the best editors in the world :) ) Could help me out? Thank you so so much!



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Re: HelpMeOut? Editing Questions

Post by MrNosec » Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:17 pm

Welcome to the org! I'll try my best to answer your questions :wink:

1- You're probably talking about motion graphics and typography combined with the use of cameras, would you kindly link me to an example so I can guess what they used?

2- Most commonly used plugins are Twitch for RGB, color flashes, shakes/zooms, and general randomness. Magic Bullet Looks for color correction and some effects, like this, that should be enough to get you started.

3- Making compositions longer you just have to press " CTRL+K" when inside the comp you want to change and that should bring up the comp options window, change at will. Paste the plugins inside the " effects " usually in " C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC 2014\Support Files\Plug-ins\Effects ". If you bought them they should come with a manual telling you how to install, if you didn't I can't help you in the forums.

4- Here's a few links to help you out in mastering Ae:

Ae Basic 101 -

Effects and Random usefull tutorials - ... 0E5111BAEA ... jm8Ru7Wz-J ... TcvuETTt2Z ... bhiGQNXXXF ... AELhPhpMUp ... 3ADA7E60FE ... YCRSPBgmiz

Advanced in-depth profissional tutorials -

5- Don't really have anything else to add other than really encouraging you in watching the " After Effects 101 " I linked above, it should get you set and ready to do everything else you learn!

Best of luck to you Jenn, and feel free to ask any questions! |:>

Youtube Channel: MrNosec


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Re: HelpMeOut? Editing Questions

Post by jennlicious » Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:17 pm

Wow thank you so much! I am honestly so happy you helped out :) thank you it really means a lot to me!

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Re: HelpMeOut? Editing Questions

Post by MrNosec » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:08 am

My pleasure Jenn! If there's anything else I can help you with feel free to pm me, I know it can be hard starting out when you don't have a solid starting point, so I hope I could help a little bit on that department ^^

Youtube Channel: MrNosec


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