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Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:37 am
by Nya-chan Production
<subliminal>godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix godix</subliminal>

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:19 am
by Zarxrax
ArashinomeAMV wrote:The crazy part is godix actually earned it this year. :amv:
This. :lol:

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:39 pm
by BasharOfTheAges
Whether you want to admit it or not, snaky asses that push the boundaries and point out our flaws are more helpful to any community than the people that bend over backwards to hand lazy noobs their answers on a silver platter.

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:09 pm
by Otohiko
BasharOfTheAges wrote:Whether you want to admit it or not, snaky asses that push the boundaries and point out our flaws are more helpful to any community than the people that bend over backwards to hand lazy noobs their answers on a silver platter.
Really now? How so?

If you take out the hyperboles there, I think it becomes obvious that for a community to function, you need both.

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:40 am
by jasper-isis
To be honest, I think godix's sneakily intelligent comments are wasted on the lot of you who
1. only take it for entertainment value
2. know what he's talking about, understand the flaws that he points out, but still choose not to do anything about anything

Oh but hell, I can't really blame you. Caring takes a substantial emotional investment, and this is just a hobby... the habits are too deeply-rooted... why stress out over amvs?... it's much more fun to let it all go and just socialize instead...

Snark and sarcasm make it so easy for others to laugh things off rather than actually think about what they can do to fix these flaws. Now that godix has actually built up a solid amount of credibility, I wish he'd say some things more directly instead of hiding behind the ambiguity of satire. But when change is not worth the effort, who am I to ruin anybody's fun?

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:07 am
by JazzyDJ
jasper-isis wrote: Snark and sarcasm make it so easy for others to laugh things off rather than actually think about what they can do to fix these flaws. Now that godix has actually built up a solid amount of credibility, I wish he'd say some things more directly instead of hiding behind the ambiguity of satire. But when change is not worth the effort, who am I to ruin anybody's fun?
Agreed. And I'm not specifically talking about godix here, but those types of posts in general. I just never bother to pay any attention those posts that try to be funny by making attempts at sarcasm. It looks too try hard, underminds the point (and coincidently the poster as well), and gets lost in the text. It's actually quite hard to detect the meaning of sarcasm over a text comminicating medium like the internet. It takes a proper tone of voice (audio) to pull it off well.

As for me, I find sarcasm not very helpful because like I said, it usually gets lost in the thick of things and the whole point never comes across. I usually just :roll: and move on. I rarely ever find any of it actually funny, but much more often I find it lame and unhelpful. In other words: it's a turn off. But that's just me.

Also, while we're on the subject of helpful members... :up: :up: to Otohiko! :wink:

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:40 am
by Knowname
I've found it takes a few years but sarcasm usually hits it's mark ie nobody took Godix seriously 2 years ago. It takes a few years. Sarcasm is just another form of procrastination, it's like the meaning will hit you in time if you let it :/. An artform really.

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:33 am
by Nya-chan Production
I think that the sarcasm is a witty way how to get your message across only to the more intelligent part of the population, since the other part will be driven away long before they get the real meaning before they even get it :P

That said, sorry to all of that other part... though I don't think they'll get this (and even if they do, in most cases the won't fit themselves in that category.


Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:42 pm
by godix
Personally at least part of sarcasm is a mini-IQ test. If you aren't smart enough to get what I really mean then odds are you aren't smart enough that I'd want to get into a serious discussion with you anyway. Having reading for comprehension skills isn't all that difficult of a bar to meet. There are a few exceptions who are intelligent and just plain don't get sarcasm but not all that many.

Plus lets not forget it's just plain fun. My sense of humor always has been rather sadistic.

Re: Most Helpful Member

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:44 pm
by JazzyDJ
Nya-chan Production wrote:I think that the sarcasm is a witty way how to get your message across only to the more intelligent part of the population, since the other part will be driven away long before they get the real meaning before they even get it :P

That said, sorry to all of that other part... though I don't think they'll get this (and even if they do, in most cases the won't fit themselves in that category.

The trap is set. I will oblige...
godix wrote:Personally at least part of sarcasm is a mini-IQ test. If you aren't smart enough to get what I really mean then odds are you aren't smart enough that I'd want to get into a serious discussion with you anyway. Having reading for comprehension skills isn't all that difficult of a bar to meet.
I wouldn't exactly say that. I am one of only 2 people in my entire High School (9-12) to have scored a flawlessly perfect score on the reading and comprehension test out of a school about 10,000 students, (and was just tested again 2 weeks ago by a professional career placement counceler with only 1 question missed in that one) and yet I still find the point lost in the attempts of trying to be popular via that sarcasm. To say that it's an IQ test and that if you don't 'get it' then you're stupid, comes across rather arrogantly in my estimation.

godix is exactly right about sense of humor. It's a matter of tastes in humor and that's all it is. To say it's anything more than that is just attempting to stroke one's own ego.

But if you feel the need to call a person (such as myself) stupid (at my expense) just because we don't see any legitimacy in sarcasm, have at it. It won't make me lose any sleep at night. :wink: Just make sure to have fun with it because everybody could use a little more laughter and happiness. :)