Video Information


  • Member: Milan21
  • Title: A Breath of Free!
  • Premiered: 2020-05-20
  • Category:
  • Song:
    • Les Friction What You Need
  • Anime:
  • Comments: A video about swimming (or any sport) maybe has an extra meaning in these times.
    My main idea was to show few of my defining feelings which came when I watched this series.
    In Hungary we have really good swimmers. I also got inspiration from them.

    This project of mine at the same time comes with the following:
    Color granding (First time when I doing it in this dept.)
    I've built a custom look node tree from scratch with using like 12-14 nodes average.
    DaVinci Resolve 16 (which I using for every editing steps) is a game changer for me, so I wanted to take advantage of it's main power.

    Well... You need to know the source anime if you want to recognize most of my look's DNA.
    I'ts mostly about /numerous/ small details, except: I pulled out lot of green tones from the water and I pushed various parts of the color palette to the direction of blue, with some magenta.

    Secondly I tried out some new aspects in cutting, pacing, flow, syncing, effecting and more.

    The third thing is...I spent most of the time with colors, which is became to my favorite part of the process.
    During make this project I had a challenging three months with lot of fun. - For example: many-many defects and dead ends when I built up the main look.

    Least but not last: I needed some genre/vibe change after a year and half.

    Ps.:I never wanted to over edit this video.
    For me, it's mostly about practice color grades, scene selection and cutting - on the technical side.
    (And also getting the cleanest visuals with using the proper color and effect settings.)

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